The Awakening

"It took me a while to realise what had happened, and what was happening to me.  Time had stood still, and nothing would ever be the same again.  On that very first day, I looked at my life and all that was, and all that is.  My quest had become a resolution unfolding.  Difficult it is for me to tell this story.  My mind is a vastly vague abyss, well suited for dreaming visions of fantasy.  How do I put it all into perspective, that I may share with you all that I can hardly find the words to say?"

Time standing still; it was the dance of the hours.

The alarm went off.  The girl pitched out of her deep slumber and awoke to the sound of bells chiming celestially.  He refreshed limbs stretched out in an alluring and catlike fashion.  She yawns, like a fancy purr.  The, as if the first gust of fresh air that a newborn takes, she deeply inhales.  She holds on to the breath of the new day for a mild moment... then releases to let go.

"I have a message for all of you.  I want you to take a minute and hear me out.  I would like the opportunity now to show you off a little something.  I have been searching to find the words, and the way, to tell you, for much of a long while now.  Bits and pieces at a time, I see as it all comes together before me.  It is an amazing puzzle, a sort of labyrinth, a mystery that once solved will reveal the truth of it all.  I have seen the light.  I must now share it with you.  Listen.  I am trying to help you to understand a message that you must realise.  It is the key to your own emancipation.  This story of freedom is a story that you have never quite heard before as such, and it is my story to tell to you.  The vision revealed all things, and now you must know, for, says my dreams, the time has come."