Circle of Sisters

The little charmed fairies are playing the games and fluttering like butterflies in the magical garden.  Carelessly and care-freely, the high on sugar super novas, skip through the wonderland, buzzing like bees on the nectars from the flowers of the garden.  Girls giddy on the pure air, hyper-activity surges through smiles and giggles and girlish chuckles.  Fluorescent lights of pixie dust glow in the night, as if they were fireflies, or beautiful butterflies coloured by the rainbow.  Watch as they play with the rings of the promised land, dancing through the glorious garden of a spirited spree, springing leaps and bounds amidst the abundance of flowers and evergreens, waterfalls and streams of the tallest mountains, and lush horizons of its blue and green tranquility. 

Ring play becomes the dance of the sisterhood, where girls rule and are born to roam the heavens of earth, and carry the wonders of its secrets with them in aimless whimsicality.  Enchanted fairy princesses blissfully leap on twinkling toes as tinkling bells that are edgy in the ways of their own fearlessness.  Foolish nature of the innocent rebels to tease and taunt the gremlin-gobs who play in the mud in the land below the fairest, as we laugh in giggling bliss that they've never been able to beat us in a game of hide and seek, or even tagline, as we speedily race against time and space in featured presentation of our keen speed and skill in the play of the rings. 

Flirtatious winks from girls of the glittered garden in a super sweet playground of ecstasy and splendor are evoking feelings of an enamored envy, because everyone wishes that they could be a part of something so special as to spend all of the days of their lives playing magical games of bliss in the wonderful garden with the enchanted fairest.


First, We arose out of the great depths of the water well.  We morphed rigidly out of out stream-like shells, and could not know why we had become so very hideous.  Freakishly, we grew limbs and began to crawl the earth on our bellies, and breathe an unfiltered air.  It was like we had been awakened by an illusion of terror, out of the deep dream, sanctioned by a bed of oceanic comfort.  Actualization of self came on all too suddenly, and eventually, the dependency on the earth became to massive, when we were called to live upon the earth, when we were made to breathe empty space.  We jumped out of the water, and trusted the moon and the stars which drew us, to protect and show thy way.

Next, We arose out of the ashes of our own fallen wings.  The kings of heaven, we could fly and sing, and we were lights of our own darkest nights.  One with the sun, we were light as the feathers we carried on our backs.  We would congregate so that we could sing together.  Our bodies were kept pure so that we could serve our children cooked food, kissing them as they ate of our contracted kitchens.  We taught them to fly, from the branches of our tree houses, then set them free to soar in the wind.  in the end, they always flew back home, and we would continue to be the birds that fly together.

Then, We arose.  We are not products of the evolution, we are the evolution that produces.  Our metamorphosis began when we were born out of the stars.  We are the earth.  The pure expression of fire and water merging, and all of the elements of creation, the ultimate union of day and night, darkness and light.  We are the duality, made for perfect balance.  We are the truth seekers; the dreamers and believers.  We are the ones who dare to break the rules against the orders of the world.  Our kind eats the forbidden fruit because we are driven to know what it tastes like.  What does it mean and why does it exist?  We strive to understand the world, and are born to express ourselves, to multiply ideas, to be the new evolution beyond the physical.  Our species is the physical quintessential to a perfect form.  We are earth.  Orders of the universal truth.

Now, We arise.  We are called of the timeless matter.  We are the stars from which all have been born.  We are the reality that has awaited the right time.  Called as we are calling, as we call we are.  There are no words.  There are no answers.  There are no secrets.  we are the instruments that were made of the vessel.  We sing as chanting angels sing.  We dance like feathers that blow in the wind.  Free heirs to the throne, we are the butterflies, and have come to celebrate the new day.  We, daughters, are born of the stars.