About the Orange

I have a dream that I am walking along the path one night accompanied by a friend.  As I arrive to my destination, I say goodbye to my escort and enter into the great white house with tall ceilings and shiny mirrored floors of the grand foyer.  I am greeted by a servant hostess who presents me with a white box.  It is a gift, for on this day I celebrate my birth.  The square package fit in my hands as I proudly accepted.  Excitement abounded me.  Attached to the present was a note that read, "I was in my garden harvesting these in abundance and wanted to share with you."  It was from my Father.  I opened the box to find a golden glowing globe, an orange that I held in the palm of my hands.  I clenched on to the ball and treasured it.  It was the coming of age inheritance that my Father had promised me for my thirteenth birthday.

I did not really know how to respond to the goodness of this orange.  I didn't quite understand what was so important about it.  But it was surely a beauty, and I loved it ever so much.  I placed it atop the highest point on the shelf casing in my dormitory, and gazed in awe of it day after day.  Sometimes, I would hold it and caress it, and smell the fragrance of it's satisfying aroma.  I imagined the possibilities of what I should do with this gift.  Why did my father give me such a token?  What is one to do with an orange?  I decided then that I would become it, and it would forever live inside of me, and with me, that we should never part.  I ate the orange.  I decided, that of this orange that I have become, I should harness the power of its good seeds.  I will plant the seeds in the earth and breed it to multiplicity in abundance, so that it should bear good fruit.  I would follow in the path of my father and become a harvester of oranges!

The orange represented the gift that awaited me at the end of my transformational journey through the darkness.  The enlightenment.  What do I do with this enlightenment?  I multiply!  I plant the seeds, grow the deeply rooted tree within the Earth's richest soil and have my orange tree become a giant extending its evergreen branches out far and wide, the tallest tree ever known.  The tree of life bears the fruit of the living water and I shall harvest this abundance for all of the children of the world to share with me.  Soon, we dwell within a forest of orange trees of life giving fruit.

The dream about the orange was a test of heart.  I was given a gift of something.  It was not merely about the subject of the gift.  It was a question of what I would do with such a gift.  Would I waste it and throw it away?  Would I neglect it and have it rot?  Lose it or give it away carelessly?  Would I eat it and then forget about it?  Would I reject it, or show a lack of appreciation for it?  Nay, one like me would become obsessed about it, merge in love with the essence of this being.  In an attempt to try to understand this orange I would make myself ultimately sensitive to all dimensions of it.  Sight, Touch, Smell, Taste, Sound.  I would engage myself within this boundless gift and become one with it.  I would fall in love with it, and dwell with it, and obsessively, and compulsively dream about that orange.

The Orange is the fruit by which the seeds were given that should be planted to grow the depth-filled roots of the new way in this tree of life and light and love, known as the story of Prima Light Alive.  Within my heart, I accepted it, and it became me.  The Orange lives in me and with me and through me.  I am the Orange.  The Orange is representative of hope and pure truth.  It is the living water, of the golden glowing vessel.  It is the gift of new life.  Prima Light Alive is the tree of life that has come forth from the gift of the Orange of light, that it should bear good fruit of love in abundance.  The Orange is the vision; the gift.  The Prima Light Alive is the emancipation of a waking dream.  The Tree of Life Lives.