Daughters of The Rainbow

"This is my circle of sisters. We were all born on the same day, thirteen years ago. We were all given the same initials, and called Aja. Same height, and weight, within our petite frames, but other than that, we are all absolutely different."

Ava Jean Art
Red . Indian . Fire . Spheres
long dark hair and dark brown skin is adorned with deep dark eyes and big soft features of lips and a prominent nose

Ane Jac Alei
Orange . Asian . Metal . Sounds
the highest cheekbones and conservatively compacted features, distinctive slanted eyes and steep straight black hair with features of a rounded face.

Alyn Jie Ave
Yellow . Caucasian . Earth . Rocks
dark brown wavy tresses and hazel brown eyes has the most glowing radiance of her olive skin. Her features are playful and interestingly alluring.

Amy Jule Ana
Green . Saxon . Wood . Animals
freckles and pink skin has a head full of red soft curls. Of her green eyes, she sometimes appears to be a fresh strawberry from the garden.

Ani Jet Aroc
Blue . Albian . Water . Waves
pale white skin and bright blonde hair. Her eyes are blue and she has very sharp features, especially in her pointed nose.

Ali Jem Aria
Violet . Nubian . Wind . Movement
dark brown skin, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. Soft features that seem to flow into one another like a melting merger.

"We all grew up as extractions from society, without any unnecessary influences by the outside world." 

“I love to perform at optimum levels”
Ava Jean Art was schooled at an all girls boarding somewhere far away from her homeland. Taught to be very competitive, she’s very athletic and sporty. She loves any team sport involving balls, and is very boyish and cool in her ways. Easy going, and laid back, except when it comes to playing sports and winning!

“I stare at stars and wonder”
Ane Jac Alei had been sent away to a monastery in Tibet, raised by monks, and disguised to look like a boy. She blended in easily with her clean shaven head. She is a type very eager to learn about the world. Big glowing eyes that seem to absorb everything, and a smile that is welcoming, a mellow that is very peaceful and calming.

“I'm a song bird”
Alyn Jie Ave was raised as a Catholic school girl, strictly by nuns, and under the orders of an actual convent. Very conservative in appearance and the ways about herself, she is very reserved and shy, and does not speak very often. She enjoys crafting and making things, cooking, and sewing, home making, and is very gentle and meek.

“If it has life within then it must be preserved”
Amy Jule Ana grew up as a farm girl on an animal plantation and sanctuary for wildlife in the middle of some great garden or forest somewhere. Always wanting to fix things, or help someone, or trying to find a way to make something better, she is the one you can count on to explore all of the options and choose for the greater good.

“What’s next on the list to do?”
Ani Jet Aroc grew up as a sailor on a great ship that traveled far and wide across the ocean throughout the entire world. She has seen so many wonderful things, and is a very adventurous type. All about the marine life and boating, she’s a diver and loves the swim and surf. Knows how to weather the storm and is an eternal optimist.

“I dance.”
Ali Jem Aria had been home-schooled in the secure towers of her father’s palace on a little island somewhere in the bed of shallow waters. Spent a lifetime dreaming about what the outside world would be like to see, is most artistic, the creative one, always seeking new ways to express ideas, or seeking to change perspectives in a world that would always look the same otherwise.

"In the beginning, as I first come face to face with my sisters, it doesn’t matter our primaries, or our elements, or our prism, or our power. All that matters is our nakedness; the pure nothing that stripped away the confusion. We wear the same uniformed garment of all white, and appear pure as the air that we breathe. We see each other as one in the same, despite the differences in our physical attributes. We come to know ourselves as daughters of the light… and sisters of the stars. As our shining faces now glow in the vivid colors of our auras, we become known as the light of our glowing aura as the essence of our true identity. In the beginning, I met my sisters in a world of silence and stillness. The empty world allowed us to be fearless in union with one another, at the Arc Ohm School."