The Presentation

A new chapter is beginning today. Of turning leaves and brand new pages. Like born again, or shown a new way. The beauty of tomorrow starts with a bright new flame. Of hope, like rainbows. Of faith, like angels. Of love, like life.

Here you go. The story of my life. How it all began, how it came to be, why it all started, why it came to me. On a golden platter, I am giving this to you. I want you to take good care of it now. My life is sacred, thus, this story is blessed. Take it; receive it as an offering, that you may gain from it, all that is within me, and throughout me, and above me, and beyond me. 

Here, I am. I stand before you adorned in nothingness. Empty. Naked. True to self. Clothed in light. Reborn. New life. Jeweled in the rays of the sun. Sanctified. Burning with fire. Passionately. Whole. Pure. Simple. Nothingness. Is all. Is everything that I have, to offer to you.

Here I am, standing naked before you. I have always been naked. I was born this way; I’m sure to die this way, and I’m not ashamed of it. I don’t need to cover myself, because I have nothing to hide. I have everything to give. I was born to give, to serve, to love. I am love. It is all that I know. It is all that I shall ever know. Why should I cover up the vessel of my sacred love, then? I dare not! If I shelter myself from the rays of the sun, then, how would I ever be worthy to glow in the night?

Here I am. Like the moon. I was born in darkness, and, because, I missed the light that my soul clings to, I cried and cried. I hated the darkness. I was afraid of it. I wanted to be one with my light, but it was too late. We had already been separated. It had to be done, yet, I couldn’t accept it. So, to find my light, I searched within. Deeper and deeper, I fought to dig up the only solace that I could find in my dark world. Finally, I found him. My strength to face the lonely world which I had been sent to claim.

Here I am. Like an oysters pearl. I grew from nothing, but dirt. One tiny grain of earth, one molecule of nothingness. Thus, I was. But, the oyster that carried me, loved me very much. It would give me as much, or as little of whatever it was that I ever needed, if only I should ask. And I did. I asked for beauty, grace, rhythm, rhyme, charm, charisma, strength, wisdom, power, riches, peace, everything... I asked for everything that was to become who I am today, and, everything was given to me. He, my oyster, loved me so much that he gave me the whole world, ... and everything in this whole world, belongs to me,.... because, I asked for it. And I grew, and grew, until I was everything that I had ever dreamt I would be. I created me, because I told it to be. He created me, because He told me to be. And all this time, concealed in darkness, sheltered from the whole world, protected by my shell, comforted by my light, I had no idea what was happening. I had no clue that I was God.

Here I am. Like a butterfly. I am finally out of my shell. I can see the light now. I don’t just feel it, and believe that it is there... I can actually see it. And, it is everything that I imagined it could be... but, so much more. I love the way the sun feels on my back. I love the way the rays make my wings so transparent that you can see all the colors of the rainbow in me. I got used to the darkness, it wasn’t so bad once I learned to accept who I was without him. And, I haven’t changed. I am still a creature of the darkness. It is just that now, I can see the light. The light is not only within me; it is around me, and radiating all throughout my body. I feel so alive! I am happy when I am with my light. Now, I don’t have to hide from the darkness anymore. Now, I don’t have to make war with this world anymore. Now, I can finally put on my play clothes, and go outside, and bathe in the sun. Now, the daylight has finally come.

Here I am. Like a dolphin. I was born to fly over the waves. I live for those days when I can revisit my darkness, go back to the place where I was born. I long for those moments when I can find peace at sea. Where there is no land, no traffic, no noise, no nothing. Where there is only me, suspended by my darkness, that which I have grown to love. Here, where I was born, there are no rules, or guidelines, or statues... there is only freedom, fellowship, family.  There are no signs that say, go this way, do this do that, don’t do these. There is no right way, or wrong way. Here, there is only life. And we live without worries. This is the place I call home. It is the only place that I can find my self in the light, and lose my self in the darkness, all at the same time. Someday, I will leave all of this behind; cut it all off, throw it away, and go back to the place that I come from. And, I will swim forever, he and I. There, we’ll live like no one is watching. We will ride the waves forever.

Splish, splash, rapids of a wrath. Sky lit up, flashing, spangling, sparkling. Eyes wide open, waiting for time. Time and time again, through thick and thin. Seasoned wind-water, ever still my friend.

Here I am. Like a queen bee. My devotion is to my kingdom, and, everything that I do is for them. Together, we shall, through service, build, and teach, and share, and learn. We shall offer ourselves to one another, and ask for nothing in return, except, that to one another, each offer themselves. My subjects are my children, and everything that is mine, so too is theirs. From hives all over the world, they fly to me, with offerings of honey and nectar, and find refuge and solace here, in my arms of love. They are the most beautiful creatures, my children. With eyes wide opened, hearts pouring out joy, smiles like the sun, laughter like angels... they are. My children are heavenly, celestial, angels. Given as gifts from the gods unto me, unto us. Pure at heart, gracious, and true; beautiful. My glorious babies are the reason I live. They are the reason I was born, the reason I created me, the reason I was created. I am, that I may serve them. They are, that we may serve the world. All are, that we may serve one another.

Here I am. Like a precious Jem. Perfect. Finely cut of the most rare stone of the earth. In the rays of the sun, I glisten, radiating unto the eight corners of the world. By the hands of the great workman, I came forth to be as I am. A gift of beauty, and magnificence, splendor, and dynamics, to all mankind. To every eye that shall behold the sight of all that is I, they stand in awe. More valuable than diamonds, I am. Rubies, emeralds, sapphires... none can even come close to the incomparable. Me.

Here I am. Like a shining star. In me, and of me, there is light of my own. I twinkle softly in the dark of the night, and, I stand proud, with my head held high. Planted in the abyss, I dwell in a realm of my own. Raised up for the world to see, I dare to never tilt my eyes to look down to see all that is below me. No, instead, I gaze up, eyes transcending the heavens above me that I shall never know what it means to be a fallen star. I am a shooting star, and my journeys path leads me only higher and higher. For there are no limits in heaven. There is no end in eternity.

Here I am. Like a delicate flower. Slowly, I unfold unto the world. Time is of no essence to me, for, my time is all that I know. I dwell in seasons, and adorn myself accordingly. I change always, yet, always remain the same. I came forth as a seed, planted in the rich soil of the earth. In all of its fullness, I arose as nothing more than a sprout, planted firmly and rooted deeply, I found stability. Craving the light, I outstretched my arms up to the heavens, and in love, He gave me all that I should need to come forth unto Him. Nourished by the waters of both the heavens above and the earths below, I grew strong and sturdy. Day by day, I reached higher and higher. I grew taller and taller, I became richer and richer.  Soon, I was found worthy by the gods that I should bear fruit. Suddenly, a bulb came forth from my bosom. It was life. It was the child that I was to behold, and, from then on, everything that was made for me and my me, was given unto my new gift of life. I watched her grow. Day in and day out, she became more and more like everything that I knew she would be. 

Full, whole, beautiful... as she opened up to the world. Slowly unfolding, I watched attentively, that I not miss even one moment of it. She was being born. I was being born. I was observing my own birth into this new life.  Spring came, and I saw the first petal unfold. Like angels wings, the others followed. Now, I could truly capture all of the rays of the sun, and bask in the glow of its glory. I was beautiful, I am beauty full, and it is only the beginning. Birds and bees and butterflies now come out to enjoy my sweet fragrances and nectars. The entire garden celebrates the arrival of my beauty. All of the creatures fall in love, with me, and the summer has not even come yet. The world cannot even imagine the glory and grace of the fullness of my bloom. This is only just the beginning.