Thursday, September 9, 2010

Feast of Time

A bouquet of flowers for the birds, bees and butterflies, just as it is spring, in the hour of la primavers, the blossoming arise out of their slumber and out-stretch their arms of the most delicate petals, in the soft pastel washed colors of the rainbow.  The enchanted bouquer of waltzing flowers in the magical garden orchestrated to dance in graceful twirls of the symphony for the royal ball in which they attend the dance in honour of.  Floral princesses adorned in patterns of silken velvet, satin tulle, and weightless chiffon, blow daintily in the mellow atmosphere os the quaint wind as it blows to the tine of classical compositions conducted to capture the misty spell binding rhythm of the evening sky.  Hypnotic is  the movement of synchronized emblems of spring, as lightly as they come sprinkling magic dust to set the ambiance of the fleeting flutters of pristine petals.  Royal shades of purple are the violet, lavender, iris, and orchid settled by tones of pink and pearl, glistening and glittering in the prisms of light.

It is a party of floras in celebration of time.  The waltzing Orchids in the garden are caught in the wind, flowing fluently to the charmed step that dances of melodic whim and harmony.  Iris travels through time and space, around the world like the memories of trees that grow gracefully in the passing of the hours.  Flourishing shapes blossom in the prime of era, contouring cmiles and a radiantly glowing ambiance that warms the heart of all banquet guests.  A lavender's joy is the treasury of beautiful things, where the whole world of wonders celebrates the honoured truth of our celebration that marks the changing of the times.  As the new era dawns before our eyes, the Violets recapture the journey that is ours, through trials and tribulations, far and wide, we have traveled.  Come and share with us this royal affair.

In the banquet of fine dimensions, it is a feast, a ball.  The bouquet is a soft and sweet enchantment presenting to us, like baby's breath, a kiss of fresh air, as an offering of new life.  In this pring, we become the harvest of an abundance.  As we learn to fly, we are the flight of the butterflies.  Magnificent colours of a flourishing arrangement float.  A detail of purity and innocence is the song os the portrait of enchantment.  This embassy is a collection of tokens blessed and consecrated in the mystical fragrance of an enchanted boquet of florals, poised to perfection, and as a confectionate treat of the sweetest charms.

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