Friday, May 28, 2010


When I grow up, what will I be?

When I grow up? But, I’ll never grow up. What will I be? But, I’m already everything. How much more should I be expected to grow? What else am I expected to be? How much higher could one possibly grow? This is it. I am it. I am all that. I’ll never be like that, like them. They call themselves adults, and say that ‘that’ is the goal; that I should attain to be like them. You know, the ones with jobs, and schedules, responsibilities, routines, regulations... the programmed ones, like robots, with learned behavior. They’re ones that have already conformed to the patterns of social wannabe’s. Well, as I said, I don’t want to be... I all ready am everything that there is to be. I am perfect. I am free. I am happy. I am I.

I am a beautiful creature, that’s just like God, in every way. I am adored, and admired, and, even envied. Yet, I don’t even notice. I don’t pay attention to anything too much. Focus makes my head hurt with boredom. I love to play, and dance, and sing. I like to get all dressed up, even when I don’t have anywhere to go. I like to eat foods that are good for the senses, the body, and, the soul. I love to do nothing. Having nothing to do is so much better than having everything to do. I love to smile, and laugh. I love to sleep, and swim. I love to love.

“Tell me about butterflies and bees.”

Why should I want to grow up? I don’t want to be like them. I want to be like me. Being me is happiness. Life is blissful, and there is no reason to be angry, because, I am a child, and, in my world, everything belongs to me. Everything is mine. Sometimes I have to ask for it... other times, All I have to do is pick it up and take it. But, I know that it is already mine, because life is free, and everything in life is free. Then why should I ever find a reason to be angry? Anger isn’t any fun. It makes life feel bad, and I don’t like when life feels bad, because then, I feel like I’m becoming like them. I don’t want to be like them. They have to die, someday. I am going to live forever, everyday.

Today is just like yesterday. I was born yesterday. So, this world is new, and fresh, and there is so much to learn about. There are so many places to go, and so many people to meet, and, so many things to do. The world is like a rainbow that is fruit-filled and sweet. I can’t wait to taste it all. You can’t imagine how great it felt being born again. Tonight, when I sleep, I hope I die. Then I can be born into the new day, when the sun rises. That way, I’ll never get old.

Twinkle twinkle from a far, this I don’t know, who you are. Up above, you glow so bright, like a ray of eternal light. Little star,  Brightest light for all to see. Glowing, glistening, pixie queen. Star of Ra, great star of All. Never to fall, Belle of the Ball.

And I’m in love with the most beautiful boy in the whole wide world. And, He doesn’t even know that he is the most beautiful boy in the whole wide world. He thinks that he is ugly. I think that he is perfect. He is perfect, just like me, and we would make the perfect pair. Together, He and I, the whole world would stop revolving just to turn its head and take a second look. Surely this is far beyond a crush. I am absolutely in love. I see him in my dreams, and when I wake up, he is the first thought on my mind. And, all day long, everything I see, or hear, or smell, or touch, reminds me of him. Everything that I do, and everywhere that I go is inspired by him, and I even pray to him every night before I go to sleep. And I always miss him when he can’t be there with me. I do love him.  I think about what our first kiss might be like – what it might be like to finally hold his hand and stroll in the park. I wonder about what our kids might be like. HA! I know, me – having kids of my own. Well, it’s a far off dream, but I like it. Oh, but I do. I really do love him. I used to like him – and I still do; but it is so much more now. ‘Like’ would be an understatement, and, frankly, an insult to my emotional intelligence.

The sweetest memory that I have is the first day we kissed. I remember, just like it was today. And from the moment we touched, I felt alive, enwrapped with total bliss. It was like... an access, to the excess, of ecstasy. A fantasy, a perfect dream; that made me never want to wake up. And I never wanted to fall asleep, for fear that it might end, that one perfect memory. And I shared it with him; my very best friend.


The earth keeps spinning, makes me dizzy now. I watch as everything goes around in circles, turning out of control, in control of the rotation is the revolution; A revolver on its axis, telling time, reading time, recording time as it is told over and over again. Never stopping, unstoppable, where will it end? It won’t end. The cycle is on repeat. Wash, rinse, and repeat. The spin cycle! Dizzy, am I, as my whole world is now flipped upside down, inside out… and it never stops. Like the rock as it rolls – Avalanche! A natural disaster... The twisted tornado called Cyclone terribly destroys everything in its path – uprooting the deeply rooted – gravitating beyond the forbidden. Unbreakable winds. Unbeatable odds. What were the odds of this happening? Such an oddity was this catastrophe that no one saw it coming. They were unable to predict the time.

And you ask why as if there were any answers to be gained of such a questions. The obvious answer is that there are no answers. Explanation is a science and interpretation is an art, thus, the best we can hope for is the means to expressively dictate the counteractions of the contagious fall. There, you have it. If at all possible to understand what it means to be, to exist, to experience this experimental development of a unified social clause – resolving the secrets of simple stories simply untold, kept hidden for ages from the age of the ages left behind. History was the stories he told, and her story was left untold – lost in an ocean of buried treasures. Yet still, when all is revealed by illumination, it became obvious, that the answers were all blatantly obvious all along. More still, there are no answers, on the quest-I-on.

Quest; I request to know the vision inside that only I can see to know and hope to understand. Dictate nothing, for your words are empty and static. Freedom is found as I Quest. Ions of creative genetic genes evolve into a genealogy of genius sentiments. A generation lost in time now begins at one at once and multiplies beyond the necessity of doubt, for her in this new era, there is certainty for each individual in the discovery of multiplicity in the reality of Uni. Unsurpassed by space or time in a region of defined depth and detail this, something unexplained and unexplainable. Yet, even still, ever still, seeks to find a way to express, to explain the interpretive visions of a life beyond words – as perception of reality changes the provocative realism into something unreal, unrealized until now, yet, as reality changes with the time, the Quest remains constantly driven by time.

Dull – the drab writings on the wall ought to be erased. Painted as a blank canvas. Tear down the nonsensical distinction of defined perimeters, principalities in records that lawful fools wrote in order to order an order of the ordered and ordained. Rulers rule as a service of documented jargon to serve as word as god as supreme. Dull. What a bore to discover the more than mildly miscalculated gumptions of the obviously mediocre substitutes for freedom. An excuse for the way, a lie called the truth and death known as life. Imprisonment sentenced to a rule… a step by step diagram of formulated formulations. The formulas that, ones by one, never stop coming. Here we come. There is no other way, for me there is no way to be other than not to be, a stipulation by the regulation of regal regulations of the regular regional regime. Here we go. Refusing to be dull. Rebel against the bore.

Exasperated! The fumes of insecticide fumigated the scene trying to kill off what the product called chem., is trying creatively as intended to ignore the word by claiming climax.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Orange

I have a dream that I am walking along the path one night accompanied by a friend.  As I arrive to my destination, I say goodbye to my escort and enter into the great white house with tall ceilings and shiny mirrored floors of the grand foyer.  I am greeted by a servant hostess who presents me with a white box.  It is a gift, for on this day I celebrate my birth.  The square package fit in my hands as I proudly accepted.  Excitement abounded me.  Attached to the present was a note that read, "I was in my garden harvesting these in abundance and wanted to share with you."  It was from my Father.  I opened the box to find a golden glowing globe, an orange that I held in the palm of my hands.  I clenched on to the ball and treasured it.  It was the coming of age inheritance that my Father had promised me for my thirteenth birthday.

I did not really know how to respond to the goodness of this orange.  I didn't quite understand what was so important about it.  But it was surely a beauty, and I loved it ever so much.  I placed it atop the highest point on the shelf casing in my dormitory, and gazed in awe of it day after day.  Sometimes, I would hold it and caress it, and smell the fragrance of it's satisfying aroma.  I imagined the possibilities of what I should do with this gift.  Why did my father give me such a token?  What is one to do with an orange?  I decided then that I would become it, and it would forever live inside of me, and with me, that we should never part.  I ate the orange.  I decided, that of this orange that I have become, I should harness the power of its good seeds.  I will plant the seeds in the earth and breed it to multiplicity in abundance, so that it should bear good fruit.  I would follow in the path of my father and become a harvester of oranges!

The orange represented the gift that awaited me at the end of my transformational journey through the darkness.  The enlightenment.  What do I do with this enlightenment?  I multiply!  I plant the seeds, grow the deeply rooted tree within the Earth's richest soil and have my orange tree become a giant extending its evergreen branches out far and wide, the tallest tree ever known.  The tree of life bears the fruit of the living water and I shall harvest this abundance for all of the children of the world to share with me.  Soon, we dwell within a forest of orange trees of life giving fruit.

The dream about the orange was a test of heart.  I was given a gift of something.  It was not merely about the subject of the gift.  It was a question of what I would do with such a gift.  Would I waste it and throw it away?  Would I neglect it and have it rot?  Lose it or give it away carelessly?  Would I eat it and then forget about it?  Would I reject it, or show a lack of appreciation for it?  Nay, one like me would become obsessed about it, merge in love with the essence of this being.  In an attempt to try to understand this orange I would make myself ultimately sensitive to all dimensions of it.  Sight, Touch, Smell, Taste, Sound.  I would engage myself within this boundless gift and become one with it.  I would fall in love with it, and dwell with it, and obsessively, and compulsively dream about that orange.

The Orange is the fruit by which the seeds were given that should be planted to grow the depthual roots of the new way in this tree of life and light and love, known as the story of Prima Light Alive.  Within my heart, I accepted it, and it became me.  The Orange lives in me and with me and through me.  I am the Orange.  The Orange is representative of hope and pure truth.  It is the living water, of the golden glowing vessel.  It is the gift of new life.  Prima Light Alive is the tree of life that has come forth from the gift of the Orange of light, that it should bear good fruit of love in abundance.  The Orange is the vision; the gift.  The Prima Light Alive is the emancipation of a waking dream.  The Tree of Life Lives.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


My heart is pure and whole and filled with light and life.

I am the Prima Light Alive.


To have received this gift is the highest honor that could have possibly become available to me in any state or frame of time or mind or matter or manner.  I am humbled because I have been chosen.  I want it, I said.  Give it to me, and I will treasure the value of this supreme and good cause with the service and wonder of all that is of my heart.


It wasn't just given to me.  I will tell you.  I fought for this.  To overcome my demons and weaknesses.  I gained control over my self... mind and body, that my soul could be set free within this realm.  My father tested my heart, and I worked to prove myself to him.  I learned to live in harmony.  My father has instructed me of my purpose.  That, as the chosen one, i become the prototype, showcasing as divine model, the lifestyle of the new way.  I am the way.  The truth.  The light. The life.  I am the new beginning.  Come, follow me, as I lead the children, for they have pure hearts that are receptive to the discovery of innovations such as the ideal that I will now propose.  And no one can enter the city of heaven unless they are like a child.  I am ready to show the way.  I am ready to lead and to inspire the revolution of the generation, provoking a challenging change.  It wasn't just given to me; through me, it was given to the entire world and all of the generations of its future.


I won.  I won it all beyond my wildest imaginations.  It had been given to me, like an inheritance of grandeur being declared and sanctioned as my own.  My father had prepared me for this great venture.  I was groomed for the service of this righteous place and honored by the resolve that I was considered the best.  Blessed and chosen.. The time had come.  One in a million.  The chances were vast.  I stood in awe and filled with a humbling hope for the future of the evolved dream that I carried with me.  My father had given me the gift of an infinite freedom.  The possibilities were unlimited.  The probabilities were indefinitely immense in all of the articulated qualitative quantities of the physical world.


I had been chosen, and given to me was the trust of fulfillment of promises that would be shared upon the entire world.  I agreed to take the chance and play the game of life.  The magic was to behold as I was called to test my luck in the game.  Skeptical, only because I thought, really, what are the chances that this should be given to me, that I be found worthy to receive this ultimate blessing.  Why should I be known to deserve this goodness?  Yet, beyond the questions of my mind, considering the passionate call of my heart was all that should now matter to me.  My mission was clear.  To whom much is given, much is expected.  I had been given the whole world and authority over peoples of the world.  The ultimate honor of this gift called for a virtue and integrity of truth, and I had been found worthy.


I and i have seen the future.  Filled with the vibrant promises of the spectrum of the revolutionary sphere.  Rainbow  colors triumphant and victoriously stand to represent the ration of their own.  Golden pots awaiting someone to claim the discovery of that which exists, co-existing with the phases of an ultimate time; saturated with the dilution of a mysterious something that needs only be infused once more with the reminder that magic exists and lives within the hearts and minds and souls of each of our own.  The promised land awaits.  Hope.  Promises of love.  Freedom to fly and soar.  To inspire goodness and greatness.  I am called to remember the forgotten.  In this place in time, we know to fly, for we have wings.  creatures of pure pulling magnetic electric static energy of emerged balance and peace and magic.


When i dream, where do i wonder.  The drift is more than a mere sensation of sensory infatuations with ideals and preconceived conceptual notions of self in lieu of and despite the illusionary reality.  In my dreams, i have imagined nothing.  i merely become the free yielding relativity.  Perceptions are altered only when i choose to ignore my living dream.  Then, warped, i become a danger to my wonderful.  i am dreaming and it is a living dream.  i cannot and will not wake up.  i will tell you about this dream, and the stories that it tells.  Today, i become the embodiment of i.  So i must dance, for it is the only way.  She dances.


Capture the magic in a framework of ingenuity.  Genius sentiments of the creative process become the expression of a gratitude toward the almighty restoration of a dwindling fate.  Saturate with pure goodness that everything else become inferior.  Chaos and noise can be powerfully creative tools which emboss bothering prognosis channeling mass medium format, distinguished dilution of familiar excitement, fluid movement of energy, spellbinding by the radiance of a shared tranquility.  Perhaps the solution to madness is madness.  Energy inspires.  Infused with bliss becomes a shared trans of sound, transformed.

The cause of change must first be inspired.  I wonder what it takes to truly inspire the hearts of those to evoke progressively.  Positively... a work in progress... a living example.  A point of reference.  Believing that it is possible.  What I propose is of the utmost difficulty to attain.  It is to single-handedly affect the process of the world's evolution by inspiring its state of mind to accept an absolute alternative.  To live in reverse order.  I am inspired by the contents of my heart.


I breathe.  Deeply, I inhale into the capacity of my lungs a captivity of essential freedom which escapes me only for moments at a time as I release upon the call of obedience to relax my grip and withhold the fond embrace of a vital goodness that satisfies the urge of my eternal heart.  Air.  I consume the pure and ideal mimic of a revealed source of cosmic reality that is my own necessity, as I crave nothing more than to become the core restoration.  Ambiently and transcendently, there is a be-wondered bewitchment, spellbound by the intensely enthralling value of such a dynamic.  Possibly, the gift that you have given me is the infinite source upon which all have declared as quested.  Compassionate constitutions.  Myriads infallible and destitute to its forcefield.  Hello?  Pure like air.  Air becomes the water.  Water becomes the fruit.  Pure.  The free root.  Tree. Life.  Light.  A dignity only known in dreams of what a perfect would would be in formula, in practice.  Pretensely, suppose it were possible that on this new day, one should come forth from among your masses and declare to be the prototype of the new way.  Enlighten me.  I Am the way.