Tuesday, May 25, 2010


It wasn't just given to me.  I will tell you.  I fought for this.  To overcome my demons and weaknesses.  I gained control over my self... mind and body, that my soul could be set free within this realm.  My father tested my heart, and I worked to prove myself to him.  I learned to live in harmony.  My father has instructed me of my purpose.  That, as the chosen one, i become the prototype, showcasing as divine model, the lifestyle of the new way.  I am the way.  The truth.  The light. The life.  I am the new beginning.  Come, follow me, as I lead the children, for they have pure hearts that are receptive to the discovery of innovations such as the ideal that I will now propose.  And no one can enter the city of heaven unless they are like a child.  I am ready to show the way.  I am ready to lead and to inspire the revolution of the generation, provoking a challenging change.  It wasn't just given to me; through me, it was given to the entire world and all of the generations of its future.

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