Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I had been chosen, and given to me was the trust of fulfillment of promises that would be shared upon the entire world.  I agreed to take the chance and play the game of life.  The magic was to behold as I was called to test my luck in the game.  Skeptical, only because I thought, really, what are the chances that this should be given to me, that I be found worthy to receive this ultimate blessing.  Why should I be known to deserve this goodness?  Yet, beyond the questions of my mind, considering the passionate call of my heart was all that should now matter to me.  My mission was clear.  To whom much is given, much is expected.  I had been given the whole world and authority over peoples of the world.  The ultimate honor of this gift called for a virtue and integrity of truth, and I had been found worthy.

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