Monday, June 7, 2010

Love of Rain

I love the rain.  Earth is overheating.  Its getting so hot.  Hotter and hotter every day and every year.  Tonight a rainstorm came, and Grandmother told me that its good, and that she hopes it rains all summer long because the more water that comes to cool the earth down, the less chances we'll have of hurrying storms passing this year through.  The rain is like a sort of salvation, redemption it seems.  It comes to cleanse the earth, to purify the land, to wash out everything... then it gives all the plants water to grow tall and strong and beautiful, and they help with oxygen for the atmosphere.  Rain is so good.  I love the rain, and would like to dance in the rain freely, but, my keepers have always told me that if I do I would get sick.  I don't think the rain would make me sick.  Its just like swimming in the pool, except, its like dancing through the sprinkles... or something like that.  The rain is a good blessing and I feel happy when it rains.  I feel blessed now.

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