Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Coming of Freedom

My great and wonderful grandmother taught me everything that I have come to know about life.  She has bestowed an awesome wisdom upon me, by telling me the secrets of all time; in her most innovative interpretation of the timeless story called Birds Bees and Butterflies.

Now, I have come to have a story of my own.  You see, for the last 13 years of my life, I have been kept secret from all and the entire world, groomed and prepared in ultimate refinement by the blessed hands of my Queen Mother.  My entire world, confined within the walls of my Fathers fortress, has been the preeminent factor in preparing me for this new age.  

In the coming of age; which I have looked forward to for an entire lifetime, I have, under the instruction of my legion of guardians, been taught to journey inward, deeply toward my core.  And just in the knick of time, I have arrived to the center of my universal being.

There, I discovered a profound understanding for everything that Grand Mother has mentored me to know.  for the first time, I was able to see through all of the darknesses of the world, because my eyes were opened to the complete rainbow spectrum upon my arrival tot he place of illumination.  The Great Mother led me to the light, and there I stood in full awareness of all of the secrets of the universe, that she raised me up in preparation to accept.

Perfect timing for sure, because I knew that when the time changed as it did on the eve of the Supermoon, I would be called by my father to awaken, and to begin the next level of my training.  Into the world he called it, and with me, I would carry his ultimate gift.  My inheritance of freedom.  

How suddenly things change.  I have evolved in the blink of an eye.  Now I look forward to leaving this place that I call home, and retreating to the new sanctuary where a myriad of fresh challenges await me.  This place is known as a home for the newly awakened, and is said to be an enchanted haven.  Truly, I know very little of what to expect of the academy for angels.  

My Good Mother has briefed me, saying that it will teach me to evolve by bestowing on me the keys to unlocking the world of windows which will inevitably teach me not only to fly in use of my new wings, but, to use the power of my halo immaculately, in a rise to greatness.  

My Father is so very proud of me now. He says that he knew that I would be the one to break through; and to make it to the other side, just in time to claim my inheritance as heir to his throne and dynasty, and all of the rights as a child of his kingdom.  Freedom!

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