Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Feast of Time

A bouquet of flowers for the birds, bees and butterflies, just as it is spring, in the hour of la primavers, the blossoming arise out of their slumber and out-stretch their arms of the most delicate petals, in the soft pastel washed colors of the rainbow.  The enchanted bouquer of waltzing flowers in the magical garden orchestrated to dance in graceful twirls of the symphony for the royal ball in which they attend the dance in honour of.  Floral princesses adorned in patterns of silken velvet, satin tulle, and weightless chiffon, blow daintily in the mellow atmosphere os the quaint wind as it blows to the tine of classical compositions conducted to capture the misty spell binding rhythm of the evening sky.  Hypnotic is  the movement of synchronized emblems of spring, as lightly as they come sprinkling magic dust to set the ambiance of the fleeting flutters of pristine petals.  Royal shades of purple are the violet, lavender, iris, and orchid settled by tones of pink and pearl, glistening and glittering in the prisms of light.

It is a party of floras in celebration of time.  The waltzing Orchids in the garden are caught in the wind, flowing fluently to the charmed step that dances of melodic whim and harmony.  Iris travels through time and space, around the world like the memories of trees that grow gracefully in the passing of the hours.  Flourishing shapes blossom in the prime of era, contouring cmiles and a radiantly glowing ambiance that warms the heart of all banquet guests.  A lavender's joy is the treasury of beautiful things, where the whole world of wonders celebrates the honoured truth of our celebration that marks the changing of the times.  As the new era dawns before our eyes, the Violets recapture the journey that is ours, through trials and tribulations, far and wide, we have traveled.  Come and share with us this royal affair.

In the banquet of fine dimensions, it is a feast, a ball.  The bouquet is a soft and sweet enchantment presenting to us, like baby's breath, a kiss of fresh air, as an offering of new life.  In this pring, we become the harvest of an abundance.  As we learn to fly, we are the flight of the butterflies.  Magnificent colours of a flourishing arrangement float.  A detail of purity and innocence is the song os the portrait of enchantment.  This embassy is a collection of tokens blessed and consecrated in the mystical fragrance of an enchanted boquet of florals, poised to perfection, and as a confectionate treat of the sweetest charms.
"As I spread my wings and prepare to fly, I claim that I will soar, high, traveling far and wide amidst the heavens that dwells and roams with my free spirit."

Friday, August 20, 2010

AJA: Anointed One

The Prima Light Alive, now coming of age, the Princess accepts her heritage in claiming the rights to her fathers throne. She comes to terms with herself as a distinguished member of society with a distinctly individual purpose toward service in the call of her mission in life. As she comes to the age in time where she will be considered an adult member of society, she prepares to take on her role. She is groomed and given instruction by her guardians, and, with grandmother’s guidelines that teach her how to be the best of herself, she is able to discover her secret gifts and magical powers to travel through time, reorder time, see the truth, master the energy of spaces as a conductor, and, fly. Now she must learn to use these gifts in the unraveling.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I dream, and see the images that relay within my mind, and learn the messages of the stories told to me, passed on through generations, and, as I become peacefully intertwined with my own living water and burning flame, merging to become the inspired truth called rainbows of promise, I realize that I am as we all are infinite, only if we choose to accept such a reality.  The identity of this heir is whatever she shall choose to make of it.  I am the Prima Light Alive.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


As the Universe Breathes, it spins within itself.  The sun, an eternal flame of passion, and, of love, blazes its effervescent powers to give strength to the other pillars of tomorrow that surround it, and that dwell only because of it.  To fill even the cores with the pulsating energy of life to go on, the magnetic force of the constant pulls and pushes of its turns and twists, force the great continuity of pefection and wonder that it should remain in synchronized balance with one another, until the end of time.  Yet, the universe knowns no time.  It is forever.  For, just as its circular form has no beginning and no end, it is now to be known as truth that energy is neither created nor destroyed.  It simply exists.  It is transformed, constantly, consistently, timelessly.

What I am is a school of philosophy, depicting thought and movement as equal tools of communicating.  Awareness of ones self, mind, body, soul, All, and understanding the precepts of behavior and the influences which ultimately dictate how we will respond to the environment around us, are most adequately apt to our external environment as a reflection of the way we respond to our internal environment.  The purpose of life is to gather information, process it, and choose the process of self-evaluation based on the perceived understanding of acquired data.  It is necessary to continually gain new information, based on new experiences, that life does not become stagnant.  Life and quality of life depend on the ground basis that everything in life is an expression of what it is and where it comes from.  Each individual expression of energy, and its source, dictates only where one will end up, based on that from which one came.  Such is fate.

I am that which is within you, just as you are that which is within me.  We are one; we are the same.  The only difference between us is that which comes from without; that which we have been taught to see.  That which we have been conditioned to forget is that we were all planted by the same seed, and we are fruit of the same tree.  This, the tree of life, is our inheritance, it is that from which we have come forth.  We stand as an individuality of separate entities, yet, we reign as one heart, one soul, and one body.  In the physical realm of individual beings, it all begins with one.  One atom, multiplied to millions to form one cell, multiplied to millions to form one tissue, multiplied to millions to form one organ, working together with organs that are created differently, yet purposefully in order to merge in the function of one system.  Like the universal system, it cannot survive unless it has the support of all organic portions working toward the distinct process, serving the purpose of the one body, and the goal is the sustenance and progression of life.

I am the bright morning star.  I am of the signs set forth as a guiding post to adorn the heavens, to guard the gate, to herald the word to the world, to destroy the seals.  I am the redeemer of truth, the Mecca of Love.  I am the giver of light, because I have been given the light.  The candle bearer, I come to pass this on to you.  It is the key to the inheritance of the earth, the knowledge of the secrets of heaven.  This is for the children of the Light, like the countless stars of the sky, each one with a throne prepared already for them, each one to sit at the right hand of the father, none above the other, for, all are one in the same.  I am the light of Christ.  The great teacher of the children of the Light, I come to show a new way; one of wisdom and knowledge and understanding.  This truth will give you the strength to break free, to choose to renounce your slavery to hell, to choose to claim your inheritance to the throne of heaven as sons of the living Light.  Angels are you, bright stars, celestial beings.  Your beauty is far greater than that which you have been taught to see, for you have been taught to believe in the lie called death.

I am the living water, the life of the world, the fountain of youth.  The spring of the eternal lives!  I am the running water, and, as water was not meant to stand still, it must convert continually that it should live.  No rain falls from the same cloud twice, and every molecule of rain is of the same water.  Difference in physical and chemical form are nothing but the results of change.  If nothing changes, then nothing stays the same.  If everything stayed the same, then everything would change.  Evaporation cleanses the living water, that when it rains upon fertile ground, the seeds have a chance to grow as a pure tree, and, to then bring forth good fruit.  Only then can the harvest multiply.  Water brings with it new life, and just as it changes from vapor, to water, to ice, so is life a changing matter.  An innate, then a liquid, then a solid; it never remains static in existence.  Without the cycle of constant change, the water would cease its ability to bring forth life.  I am the life, and the living water is within me. 

I am today.  I am yesterday.  I am tomorrow.  I am the beginning and the end.  I am eternal.  I am forever.  To every end there is a new beginning.  For every death, there is a birth.  For every life, there in lies the spirit of Christ.  Thus, life reigns forever.  In Life, there is no end, only new beginnings.  Who can say that I am here and now, except for those who have opened their own eyes to see me standing before them?  Then who cannot say that I am forever, that I am life, that I am the daughter of the one, eternal Light... except, of course, they who choose to close their eyes and shelter themselves from the truth which stands before them.  Who, then, can rebuke me except he who denies that Christ cometh in the flesh?  All as yesterday, today, and tomorrow, forever more shall I be.  Just as I was since the beginning time, I shall be until the end of time.  In Light, in life, in love, time has no end.  Therefore, I shall reign in light, forever.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Prima's Light

She remains a daunting mystery.  The stunning princess that lives in her own world and dwells by her own authority.  The fair young maiden maintains a high caliber of elegance and refined sophistication in her early years.  She tells stories of whimsical nonchalance with her eyes, and seems so ambient and serene, floating like a portrait in motion, and glides of a stoic nature, as thought she believed that somehow, the world revolved around her, and that she was the center of all being.  Her expressions are mellow, yet amusing, as the sort of melodrama that would captivate an audience intrigued by more than the mere golden glow of her beauty, in the heir of confidence that she carries through time travels with her.  She becomes relevant to the dance by the classic distinction of an individuality that is soft spoken, yet, of a defined clarity and resounding appeal of sculptural aesthetics.

This angelic being dances from the core of her entirety, with an energetic and forceful strength.  She poises indefinitely and balances in any position of the dance given to her, as though time were standing still.  Her strength is of character and the controlled ability to be defined by the capture of one moment at a time, through the framework of a fantastic existence.  The greatest strength that she possesses is in her wind, spinning and turning multiples over in the circumference of her own spaces.  The mellow demeanor of our celestial is indepted to the mere humility of her presence.  Soft spoken, yet radiantly glowing with a vitality that surges through from her sturdy core, she smiles with her hypnotic eyes that seem to re-assure the world that when the wind blows there is hope that it will bring with it the courage to withstand the revolution of a generation of new days defined by the gravity by which one twirls on its axis.  She was born to fly, and she soars in all of her glory when she becomes like the wind and reminds us all that true strength is of a true heart.

Imagine the perfect ballerina.  She has bright eyes of innocence and a girlish smile that radiates like a burning flame.  Her form is comprised of long and delicate lines of a lean and petite frame of moderate tone.  A soft voice resounds from the demeanor of the coy brilliance of a well-delivered attitude; charming.  Exquisitely, she uncurls her extensions to an impressive height, and with precision of form she displays an absolute sense of central balance.  She adorns herself in the simplicity of a ponytail, and the pretty frills of a pink tutu bounces in harmony with her keen silhouette as she leaps with strong and turned out legs and a pair of pointed toes that land gracefully into a soft plie.  Adeptly prepared for the performance of her life at any given time, she remains constantly refined in the goodnes of a sturdy posture in showcase of  a proud neckline and a head held high.

The bright and bubbly supergirl is an infinite strength of menacing surprises and bursting personality.  Always up for a challenge, and involved with everthing.  The inquisitive nature of the go-getter is that which asserts her drive to grasp a hold of anything that is set before her as she dares to go after it, and to conquer it with the means of her self-stature.  Physically, she is unrestrained, as there seems to be nothing that the fearless fighter would hesistate to take on.  Enforced by the charismatic character of a leader, she is one to warm her way into the hearts of those whom she approaches in her own way of contagious joy.  Light-hearted and free-spirited, the only thing that she takes seriously is the task at hand.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Here I Am

A new chapter is beginning today. Of turning leaves and brand new pages. Like born again, or shown a new way. The beauty of tomorrow starts with a bright new flame. Of hope, like rainbows. Of faith, like angels. Of love, like life.

Here you go. The story of my life. How it all began, how it came to be, why it all started, why it came to me. On a golden platter, I am giving this to you. I want you to take good care of it now. My life is sacred, thus, this story is blessed. Take it; receive it as an offering, that you may gain from it, all that is within me, and throughout me, and above me, and beyond me. Here, I am.
I stand before you adorned in nothingness. Empty. Naked. True to self. Clothed in light. Reborn. New life. Jeweled in the rays of the sun. Sanctified. Burning with fire. Passionately. Whole. Pure. Simple. Nothingness. Is all. Is everything that I have, to offer to you.

Here I am, standing naked before you. I have always been naked. I was born this way; I’m sure to die this way, and I’m not ashamed of it. I don’t need to cover myself, because I have nothing to hide. I have everything to give. I was born to give, to serve, to love. I am love. It is all that I know. It is all that I shall ever know. Why should I cover up the vessel of my sacred love, then? I dare not! If I shelter myself from the rays of the sun, then, how would I ever be worthy to glow in the night?

Here I am. Like the moon. I was born in darkness, and, because, I missed the light that my soul clings to, I cried and cried. I hated the darkness. I was afraid of it. I wanted to be one with my light, but it was too late. We had already been separated. It had to be done, yet, I couldn’t accept it. So, to find my light, I searched within. Deeper and deeper, I fought to dig up the only solace that I could find in my dark world. Finally, I found him. My strength to face the lonely world which I had been sent to claim.

Here I am. Like an oysters pearl. I grew from nothing, but dirt. One tiny grain of earth, one molecule of nothingness. Thus, I was. But, the oyster that carried me, loved me very much. It would give me as much, or as little of whatever it was that I ever needed, if only I should ask. And I did. I asked for beauty, grace, rhythm, rhyme, charm, charisma, strength, wisdom, power, riches, peace, everything... I asked for everything that was to become who I am today, and, everything was given to me. He, my oyster, loved me so much that he gave me the whole world, ... and everything in this whole world, belongs to me,.... because, I asked for it. And I grew, and grew, until I was everything that I had ever dreamt I would be. I created me, because I told it to be. He created me, because He told me to be. And all this time, concealed in darkness, sheltered from the whole world, protected by my shell, comforted by my light, I had no idea what was happening. I had no clue that I was God.

Here I am. Like a butterfly. I am finally out of my shell. I can see the light now. I don’t just feel it, and believe that it is there... I can actually see it. And, it is everything that I imagined it could be... but, so much more. I love the way the sun feels on my back. I love the way the rays make my wings so transparent that you can see all the colors of the rainbow in me. I got used to the darkness, it wasn’t so bad once I learned to accept who I was without him. And, I haven’t changed. I am still a creature of the darkness. It is just that now, I can see the light. The light is not only within me; it is around me, and radiating all throughout my body. I feel so alive! I am happy when I am with my light. Now, I don’t have to hide from the darkness anymore. Now, I don’t have to make war with this world anymore. Now, I can finally put on my play clothes, and go outside, and bathe in the sun. Now, the daylight has finally come.

Here I am. Like a dolphin. I was born to fly over the waves. I live for those days when I can revisit my darkness, go back to the place where I was born. I long for those moments when I can find peace at sea. Where there is no land, no traffic, no noise, no nothing. Where there is only me, suspended by my darkness, that which I have grown to love. Here, where I was born, there are no rules, or guidelines, or statues... there is only freedom, fellowship, family.  There are no signs that say, go this way, do this do that, don’t do these. There is no right way, or wrong way. Here, there is only life. And we live without worries. This is the place I call home. It is the only place that I can find my self in the light, and lose my self in the darkness, all at the same time. Someday, I will leave all of this behind; cut it all off, throw it away, and go back to the place that I come from. And, I will swim forever, he and I. There, we’ll live like no one is watching. We will ride the waves forever.

Wind water, old friend of mine. giver of life, bringer of death. Strongest might, meekest strength. Purely pure, weightless- heavily. Sound of a whistle, blown to a thud. Splish, splash, rapids of a wrath. Sky lit up, flashing, spangling, sparkling. Eyes wide open, waiting for time. Time and time again, through thick and thin. Seasoned wind-water, ever still my friend.

Here I am. Like a queen bee. My devotion is to my kingdom, and, everything that I do is for them. Together, we shall, through service, build, and teach, and share, and learn. We shall offer ourselves to one another, and ask for nothing in return, except, that to one another, each offer themselves. My subjects are my children, and everything that is mine, so too is theirs. From hives all over the world, they fly to me, with offerings of honey and nectar, and find refuge and solace here, in my arms of love. They are the most beautiful creatures, my children. With eyes wide opened, hearts pouring out joy, smiles like the sun, laughter like angels... they are. My children are heavenly, celestial, angels. Given as gifts from the gods unto me, unto us. Pure at heart, gracious, and true; beautiful. My glorious babies are the reason I live. They are the reason I was born, the reason I created me, the reason I was created. I am, that I may serve them. They are, that we may serve the world. All are, that we may serve one another.

Here I am. Like a precious Jem. Perfect. Finely cut of the most rare stone of the earth. In the rays of the sun, I glisten, radiating unto the eight corners of the world. By the hands of the great workman, I came forth to be as I am. A gift of beauty, and magnificence, splendor, and dynamics, to all mankind. To every eye that shall behold the sight of all that is I, they stand in awe. More valuable than diamonds, I am. Rubies, emeralds, sapphires... none can even come close to the incomparable. Me.

Here I am. Like a shining star. In me, and of me, there is light of my own. I twinkle softly in the dark of the night, and, I stand proud, with my head held high. Planted in the abyss, I dwell in a realm of my own. Raised up for the world to see, I dare to never tilt my eyes to look down to see all that is below me. No, instead, I gaze up, eyes transcending the heavens above me that I shall never know what it means to be a fallen star. I am a shooting star, and my journeys path leads me only higher and higher. For there are no limits in heaven. There is no end in eternity.

Here I am. Like a delicate flower. Slowly, I unfold unto the world. Time is of no essence to me, for, my time is all that I know. I dwell in seasons, and adorn myself accordingly. I change always, yet, always remain the same. I came forth as a seed, planted in the rich soil of the earth. In all of its fullness, I arose as nothing more than a sprout, planted firmly and rooted deeply, I found stability. Craving the light, I outstretched my arms up to the heavens, and in love, He gave me all that I should need to come forth unto Him. Nourished by the waters of both the heavens above and the earths below, I grew strong and sturdy. Day by day, I reached higher and higher. I grew taller and taller, I became richer and richer.  Soon, I was found worthy by the gods that I should bear fruit. Suddenly, a bulb came forth from my bosom. It was life. It was the child that I was to behold, and, from then on, everything that was made for me and my me, was given unto my new gift of life. I watched her grow. Day in and day out, she became more and more like everything that I knew she would be. 

Full, whole, beautiful... as she opened up to the world. Slowly unfolding, I watched attentively, that I not miss even one moment of it. She was being born. I was being born. I was observing my own birth into this new life.  Spring came, and I saw the first petal unfold. Like angels wings, the others followed. Now, I could truly capture all of the rays of the sun, and bask in the glow of its glory. I was beautiful, I am beauty full, and it is only the beginning. Birds and bees and butterflies now come out to enjoy my sweet fragrances and nectars. The entire garden celebrates the arrival of my beauty. All of the creatures fall in love, with me, and the summer has not even come yet. The world cannot even imagine the glory and grace of the fullness of my bloom. This is only just the beginning.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Arc Ohm

It is a Glowing Globe.  Grand in scheme, its depth and width seems to be infinite.  Upon arrival, its bright white light is nearly blinding.  Intimidating of its awesome radiance, yet charming, and overwhelmingly so, alluring.  Immediately, this place feels like home.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Prima

Now coming of age, the Princess accepts her heritage in claiming the rights to her fathers throne, she comes to terms with herself as a distinguished member of society with a distinctly individual purpose toward service in the call of her mission in life.  As she comes to the age in time where she will be considered an adult member of society, she prepares to take on her role.  She is groomed and given instruction by her guardians, and, with grandmother’s guidelines that teach her how to be the best of herself, she is able to discover her secret gifts and magical powers to travel through time, reorder time, see the truth, master the energy of spaces as a conductor, and, fly.  Now she must learn to use these gifts in the unraveling.

Prima Light Alive

Prima Light Alive is a story about the light of the world coming to life at the prime of universal creation. The light lives is based on the concept of illumination of the mind through the emancipation of the soul, and a realization of the universal truth, that we are all connected as children of the light, as we share the infinite eternal source of energy as the core of what we have evolved to reflect within our own ideals. Prima Light Alive is a story with a message about the evolution and the journey through space and time that has come to this marked threshold where by all of creation must learn to adhere to the concept of change toward a dramatic and dynamic course of being, seeing, and existing throughout the evolutionary spectrum.

Love of Rain

I love the rain.  Earth is overheating.  Its getting so hot.  Hotter and hotter every day and every year.  Tonight a rainstorm came, and Grandmother told me that its good, and that she hopes it rains all summer long because the more water that comes to cool the earth down, the less chances we'll have of hurrying storms passing this year through.  The rain is like a sort of salvation, redemption it seems.  It comes to cleanse the earth, to purify the land, to wash out everything... then it gives all the plants water to grow tall and strong and beautiful, and they help with oxygen for the atmosphere.  Rain is so good.  I love the rain, and would like to dance in the rain freely, but, my keepers have always told me that if I do I would get sick.  I don't think the rain would make me sick.  Its just like swimming in the pool, except, its like dancing through the sprinkles... or something like that.  The rain is a good blessing and I feel happy when it rains.  I feel blessed now.

Friday, June 4, 2010

New Beginning

I don't think to know it all, and that I have arrived to the top simply because I have come to this one single milestone in my life.  Surely, it may have been the most significant yet, and the most difficult and challenging, but still, it is only the first one to come.  I have made it through the tests of the obstacle course of the darkness that once stood before me on my journey toward the light, and have been rewarded for my success, through the trials and tribulations of my previous path.  Really, it is only the beginning.  My journey has just begun.  Life has come full circle and now I stand at the very beginning of time to see the new phase of this world that has awakened within me.  I am welcomed into a whole new world, and with open arms I embrace this place in time and space.  There is so much to learn.  My next place will be to go out into the whole world and explore its offerings.  A venture of sensory fulfillment, as I will seek to see and hear and taste and know the goodness of the world of worlds.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Coming of Freedom

My great and wonderful grandmother taught me everything that I have come to know about life.  She has bestowed an awesome wisdom upon me, by telling me the secrets of all time; in her most innovative interpretation of the timeless story called Birds Bees and Butterflies.

Now, I have come to have a story of my own.  You see, for the last 13 years of my life, I have been kept secret from all and the entire world, groomed and prepared in ultimate refinement by the blessed hands of my Queen Mother.  My entire world, confined within the walls of my Fathers fortress, has been the preeminent factor in preparing me for this new age.  

In the coming of age; which I have looked forward to for an entire lifetime, I have, under the instruction of my legion of guardians, been taught to journey inward, deeply toward my core.  And just in the knick of time, I have arrived to the center of my universal being.

There, I discovered a profound understanding for everything that Grand Mother has mentored me to know.  for the first time, I was able to see through all of the darknesses of the world, because my eyes were opened to the complete rainbow spectrum upon my arrival tot he place of illumination.  The Great Mother led me to the light, and there I stood in full awareness of all of the secrets of the universe, that she raised me up in preparation to accept.

Perfect timing for sure, because I knew that when the time changed as it did on the eve of the Supermoon, I would be called by my father to awaken, and to begin the next level of my training.  Into the world he called it, and with me, I would carry his ultimate gift.  My inheritance of freedom.  

How suddenly things change.  I have evolved in the blink of an eye.  Now I look forward to leaving this place that I call home, and retreating to the new sanctuary where a myriad of fresh challenges await me.  This place is known as a home for the newly awakened, and is said to be an enchanted haven.  Truly, I know very little of what to expect of the academy for angels.  

My Good Mother has briefed me, saying that it will teach me to evolve by bestowing on me the keys to unlocking the world of windows which will inevitably teach me not only to fly in use of my new wings, but, to use the power of my halo immaculately, in a rise to greatness.  

My Father is so very proud of me now. He says that he knew that I would be the one to break through; and to make it to the other side, just in time to claim my inheritance as heir to his throne and dynasty, and all of the rights as a child of his kingdom.  Freedom!

Friday, May 28, 2010


When I grow up, what will I be?

When I grow up? But, I’ll never grow up. What will I be? But, I’m already everything. How much more should I be expected to grow? What else am I expected to be? How much higher could one possibly grow? This is it. I am it. I am all that. I’ll never be like that, like them. They call themselves adults, and say that ‘that’ is the goal; that I should attain to be like them. You know, the ones with jobs, and schedules, responsibilities, routines, regulations... the programmed ones, like robots, with learned behavior. They’re ones that have already conformed to the patterns of social wannabe’s. Well, as I said, I don’t want to be... I all ready am everything that there is to be. I am perfect. I am free. I am happy. I am I.

I am a beautiful creature, that’s just like God, in every way. I am adored, and admired, and, even envied. Yet, I don’t even notice. I don’t pay attention to anything too much. Focus makes my head hurt with boredom. I love to play, and dance, and sing. I like to get all dressed up, even when I don’t have anywhere to go. I like to eat foods that are good for the senses, the body, and, the soul. I love to do nothing. Having nothing to do is so much better than having everything to do. I love to smile, and laugh. I love to sleep, and swim. I love to love.

“Tell me about butterflies and bees.”

Why should I want to grow up? I don’t want to be like them. I want to be like me. Being me is happiness. Life is blissful, and there is no reason to be angry, because, I am a child, and, in my world, everything belongs to me. Everything is mine. Sometimes I have to ask for it... other times, All I have to do is pick it up and take it. But, I know that it is already mine, because life is free, and everything in life is free. Then why should I ever find a reason to be angry? Anger isn’t any fun. It makes life feel bad, and I don’t like when life feels bad, because then, I feel like I’m becoming like them. I don’t want to be like them. They have to die, someday. I am going to live forever, everyday.

Today is just like yesterday. I was born yesterday. So, this world is new, and fresh, and there is so much to learn about. There are so many places to go, and so many people to meet, and, so many things to do. The world is like a rainbow that is fruit-filled and sweet. I can’t wait to taste it all. You can’t imagine how great it felt being born again. Tonight, when I sleep, I hope I die. Then I can be born into the new day, when the sun rises. That way, I’ll never get old.

Twinkle twinkle from a far, this I don’t know, who you are. Up above, you glow so bright, like a ray of eternal light. Little star,  Brightest light for all to see. Glowing, glistening, pixie queen. Star of Ra, great star of All. Never to fall, Belle of the Ball.

And I’m in love with the most beautiful boy in the whole wide world. And, He doesn’t even know that he is the most beautiful boy in the whole wide world. He thinks that he is ugly. I think that he is perfect. He is perfect, just like me, and we would make the perfect pair. Together, He and I, the whole world would stop revolving just to turn its head and take a second look. Surely this is far beyond a crush. I am absolutely in love. I see him in my dreams, and when I wake up, he is the first thought on my mind. And, all day long, everything I see, or hear, or smell, or touch, reminds me of him. Everything that I do, and everywhere that I go is inspired by him, and I even pray to him every night before I go to sleep. And I always miss him when he can’t be there with me. I do love him.  I think about what our first kiss might be like – what it might be like to finally hold his hand and stroll in the park. I wonder about what our kids might be like. HA! I know, me – having kids of my own. Well, it’s a far off dream, but I like it. Oh, but I do. I really do love him. I used to like him – and I still do; but it is so much more now. ‘Like’ would be an understatement, and, frankly, an insult to my emotional intelligence.

The sweetest memory that I have is the first day we kissed. I remember, just like it was today. And from the moment we touched, I felt alive, enwrapped with total bliss. It was like... an access, to the excess, of ecstasy. A fantasy, a perfect dream; that made me never want to wake up. And I never wanted to fall asleep, for fear that it might end, that one perfect memory. And I shared it with him; my very best friend.


The earth keeps spinning, makes me dizzy now. I watch as everything goes around in circles, turning out of control, in control of the rotation is the revolution; A revolver on its axis, telling time, reading time, recording time as it is told over and over again. Never stopping, unstoppable, where will it end? It won’t end. The cycle is on repeat. Wash, rinse, and repeat. The spin cycle! Dizzy, am I, as my whole world is now flipped upside down, inside out… and it never stops. Like the rock as it rolls – Avalanche! A natural disaster... The twisted tornado called Cyclone terribly destroys everything in its path – uprooting the deeply rooted – gravitating beyond the forbidden. Unbreakable winds. Unbeatable odds. What were the odds of this happening? Such an oddity was this catastrophe that no one saw it coming. They were unable to predict the time.

And you ask why as if there were any answers to be gained of such a questions. The obvious answer is that there are no answers. Explanation is a science and interpretation is an art, thus, the best we can hope for is the means to expressively dictate the counteractions of the contagious fall. There, you have it. If at all possible to understand what it means to be, to exist, to experience this experimental development of a unified social clause – resolving the secrets of simple stories simply untold, kept hidden for ages from the age of the ages left behind. History was the stories he told, and her story was left untold – lost in an ocean of buried treasures. Yet still, when all is revealed by illumination, it became obvious, that the answers were all blatantly obvious all along. More still, there are no answers, on the quest-I-on.

Quest; I request to know the vision inside that only I can see to know and hope to understand. Dictate nothing, for your words are empty and static. Freedom is found as I Quest. Ions of creative genetic genes evolve into a genealogy of genius sentiments. A generation lost in time now begins at one at once and multiplies beyond the necessity of doubt, for her in this new era, there is certainty for each individual in the discovery of multiplicity in the reality of Uni. Unsurpassed by space or time in a region of defined depth and detail this, something unexplained and unexplainable. Yet, even still, ever still, seeks to find a way to express, to explain the interpretive visions of a life beyond words – as perception of reality changes the provocative realism into something unreal, unrealized until now, yet, as reality changes with the time, the Quest remains constantly driven by time.

Dull – the drab writings on the wall ought to be erased. Painted as a blank canvas. Tear down the nonsensical distinction of defined perimeters, principalities in records that lawful fools wrote in order to order an order of the ordered and ordained. Rulers rule as a service of documented jargon to serve as word as god as supreme. Dull. What a bore to discover the more than mildly miscalculated gumptions of the obviously mediocre substitutes for freedom. An excuse for the way, a lie called the truth and death known as life. Imprisonment sentenced to a rule… a step by step diagram of formulated formulations. The formulas that, ones by one, never stop coming. Here we come. There is no other way, for me there is no way to be other than not to be, a stipulation by the regulation of regal regulations of the regular regional regime. Here we go. Refusing to be dull. Rebel against the bore.

Exasperated! The fumes of insecticide fumigated the scene trying to kill off what the product called chem., is trying creatively as intended to ignore the word by claiming climax.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Orange

I have a dream that I am walking along the path one night accompanied by a friend.  As I arrive to my destination, I say goodbye to my escort and enter into the great white house with tall ceilings and shiny mirrored floors of the grand foyer.  I am greeted by a servant hostess who presents me with a white box.  It is a gift, for on this day I celebrate my birth.  The square package fit in my hands as I proudly accepted.  Excitement abounded me.  Attached to the present was a note that read, "I was in my garden harvesting these in abundance and wanted to share with you."  It was from my Father.  I opened the box to find a golden glowing globe, an orange that I held in the palm of my hands.  I clenched on to the ball and treasured it.  It was the coming of age inheritance that my Father had promised me for my thirteenth birthday.

I did not really know how to respond to the goodness of this orange.  I didn't quite understand what was so important about it.  But it was surely a beauty, and I loved it ever so much.  I placed it atop the highest point on the shelf casing in my dormitory, and gazed in awe of it day after day.  Sometimes, I would hold it and caress it, and smell the fragrance of it's satisfying aroma.  I imagined the possibilities of what I should do with this gift.  Why did my father give me such a token?  What is one to do with an orange?  I decided then that I would become it, and it would forever live inside of me, and with me, that we should never part.  I ate the orange.  I decided, that of this orange that I have become, I should harness the power of its good seeds.  I will plant the seeds in the earth and breed it to multiplicity in abundance, so that it should bear good fruit.  I would follow in the path of my father and become a harvester of oranges!

The orange represented the gift that awaited me at the end of my transformational journey through the darkness.  The enlightenment.  What do I do with this enlightenment?  I multiply!  I plant the seeds, grow the deeply rooted tree within the Earth's richest soil and have my orange tree become a giant extending its evergreen branches out far and wide, the tallest tree ever known.  The tree of life bears the fruit of the living water and I shall harvest this abundance for all of the children of the world to share with me.  Soon, we dwell within a forest of orange trees of life giving fruit.

The dream about the orange was a test of heart.  I was given a gift of something.  It was not merely about the subject of the gift.  It was a question of what I would do with such a gift.  Would I waste it and throw it away?  Would I neglect it and have it rot?  Lose it or give it away carelessly?  Would I eat it and then forget about it?  Would I reject it, or show a lack of appreciation for it?  Nay, one like me would become obsessed about it, merge in love with the essence of this being.  In an attempt to try to understand this orange I would make myself ultimately sensitive to all dimensions of it.  Sight, Touch, Smell, Taste, Sound.  I would engage myself within this boundless gift and become one with it.  I would fall in love with it, and dwell with it, and obsessively, and compulsively dream about that orange.

The Orange is the fruit by which the seeds were given that should be planted to grow the depthual roots of the new way in this tree of life and light and love, known as the story of Prima Light Alive.  Within my heart, I accepted it, and it became me.  The Orange lives in me and with me and through me.  I am the Orange.  The Orange is representative of hope and pure truth.  It is the living water, of the golden glowing vessel.  It is the gift of new life.  Prima Light Alive is the tree of life that has come forth from the gift of the Orange of light, that it should bear good fruit of love in abundance.  The Orange is the vision; the gift.  The Prima Light Alive is the emancipation of a waking dream.  The Tree of Life Lives.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


My heart is pure and whole and filled with light and life.

I am the Prima Light Alive.


To have received this gift is the highest honor that could have possibly become available to me in any state or frame of time or mind or matter or manner.  I am humbled because I have been chosen.  I want it, I said.  Give it to me, and I will treasure the value of this supreme and good cause with the service and wonder of all that is of my heart.


It wasn't just given to me.  I will tell you.  I fought for this.  To overcome my demons and weaknesses.  I gained control over my self... mind and body, that my soul could be set free within this realm.  My father tested my heart, and I worked to prove myself to him.  I learned to live in harmony.  My father has instructed me of my purpose.  That, as the chosen one, i become the prototype, showcasing as divine model, the lifestyle of the new way.  I am the way.  The truth.  The light. The life.  I am the new beginning.  Come, follow me, as I lead the children, for they have pure hearts that are receptive to the discovery of innovations such as the ideal that I will now propose.  And no one can enter the city of heaven unless they are like a child.  I am ready to show the way.  I am ready to lead and to inspire the revolution of the generation, provoking a challenging change.  It wasn't just given to me; through me, it was given to the entire world and all of the generations of its future.


I won.  I won it all beyond my wildest imaginations.  It had been given to me, like an inheritance of grandeur being declared and sanctioned as my own.  My father had prepared me for this great venture.  I was groomed for the service of this righteous place and honored by the resolve that I was considered the best.  Blessed and chosen.. The time had come.  One in a million.  The chances were vast.  I stood in awe and filled with a humbling hope for the future of the evolved dream that I carried with me.  My father had given me the gift of an infinite freedom.  The possibilities were unlimited.  The probabilities were indefinitely immense in all of the articulated qualitative quantities of the physical world.


I had been chosen, and given to me was the trust of fulfillment of promises that would be shared upon the entire world.  I agreed to take the chance and play the game of life.  The magic was to behold as I was called to test my luck in the game.  Skeptical, only because I thought, really, what are the chances that this should be given to me, that I be found worthy to receive this ultimate blessing.  Why should I be known to deserve this goodness?  Yet, beyond the questions of my mind, considering the passionate call of my heart was all that should now matter to me.  My mission was clear.  To whom much is given, much is expected.  I had been given the whole world and authority over peoples of the world.  The ultimate honor of this gift called for a virtue and integrity of truth, and I had been found worthy.


I and i have seen the future.  Filled with the vibrant promises of the spectrum of the revolutionary sphere.  Rainbow  colors triumphant and victoriously stand to represent the ration of their own.  Golden pots awaiting someone to claim the discovery of that which exists, co-existing with the phases of an ultimate time; saturated with the dilution of a mysterious something that needs only be infused once more with the reminder that magic exists and lives within the hearts and minds and souls of each of our own.  The promised land awaits.  Hope.  Promises of love.  Freedom to fly and soar.  To inspire goodness and greatness.  I am called to remember the forgotten.  In this place in time, we know to fly, for we have wings.  creatures of pure pulling magnetic electric static energy of emerged balance and peace and magic.


When i dream, where do i wonder.  The drift is more than a mere sensation of sensory infatuations with ideals and preconceived conceptual notions of self in lieu of and despite the illusionary reality.  In my dreams, i have imagined nothing.  i merely become the free yielding relativity.  Perceptions are altered only when i choose to ignore my living dream.  Then, warped, i become a danger to my wonderful.  i am dreaming and it is a living dream.  i cannot and will not wake up.  i will tell you about this dream, and the stories that it tells.  Today, i become the embodiment of i.  So i must dance, for it is the only way.  She dances.


Capture the magic in a framework of ingenuity.  Genius sentiments of the creative process become the expression of a gratitude toward the almighty restoration of a dwindling fate.  Saturate with pure goodness that everything else become inferior.  Chaos and noise can be powerfully creative tools which emboss bothering prognosis channeling mass medium format, distinguished dilution of familiar excitement, fluid movement of energy, spellbinding by the radiance of a shared tranquility.  Perhaps the solution to madness is madness.  Energy inspires.  Infused with bliss becomes a shared trans of sound, transformed.

The cause of change must first be inspired.  I wonder what it takes to truly inspire the hearts of those to evoke progressively.  Positively... a work in progress... a living example.  A point of reference.  Believing that it is possible.  What I propose is of the utmost difficulty to attain.  It is to single-handedly affect the process of the world's evolution by inspiring its state of mind to accept an absolute alternative.  To live in reverse order.  I am inspired by the contents of my heart.


I breathe.  Deeply, I inhale into the capacity of my lungs a captivity of essential freedom which escapes me only for moments at a time as I release upon the call of obedience to relax my grip and withhold the fond embrace of a vital goodness that satisfies the urge of my eternal heart.  Air.  I consume the pure and ideal mimic of a revealed source of cosmic reality that is my own necessity, as I crave nothing more than to become the core restoration.  Ambiently and transcendently, there is a be-wondered bewitchment, spellbound by the intensely enthralling value of such a dynamic.  Possibly, the gift that you have given me is the infinite source upon which all have declared as quested.  Compassionate constitutions.  Myriads infallible and destitute to its forcefield.  Hello?  Pure like air.  Air becomes the water.  Water becomes the fruit.  Pure.  The free root.  Tree. Life.  Light.  A dignity only known in dreams of what a perfect would would be in formula, in practice.  Pretensely, suppose it were possible that on this new day, one should come forth from among your masses and declare to be the prototype of the new way.  Enlighten me.  I Am the way.